Where I intend all this to go.

It all started like this...
I came back from a journey around the world and decided I would like to make another one. This one would involve travelling at a lower latitude and would require the ability to speak the basics of a variety of different languages, including Arabic, Farsi, Pushtoon, Mandarin and several others. What I needed was a system that would allow me to speak them without actually having learned them.
I have dabbled in languages for the better part of my life and had a good idea of what I needed. There are very definite phrases a person learns while travelling. Some are purely idiomatic, like "hello" and "thank you" but others phrases like "I want to see a film", can be used as templates to construct phrases with entirely different meanings. I wanted to see if I could expand upon this idea and, in essence, put down the bones of the language a person needs while travelling and have it all on a single piece of paper. I believe I have succeeded.
More in the next post.
As said 5 minutes before in my blog i am a great fan of your idea and product. I am looking forward to see more of you and fetch-a-phrase!
Excellent efforts ... I just came back from a visit of Burma recently and am completely thrilled to see what you've got going here.
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